Basic usage
Fluidbox works out of the box as long as you appenddata-fluidbox
to the anchor element, <a>
.In other words, it should look like this:
<a href="..." title="..." data-fluidbox>...</a>
Linking to a higher resolution alternative
Sometimes it is not feasible to use the actual image itself on the page, due to concerns with excessive bandwidth usage that burdens your server, or encumbers users that are using mobile.In this case, you can see that we have used a low resolution thumbnail, which is linked to a higher resolution image (note: both images must be of the same aspect ratio). The script will inevitably make a royal mess of itself if you are using different aspect ratios, but it will not break the page. The aspect ratio will remain the same as that of the thumbnail.
Fluid box works even when images are arranged in galleries. In this case, they are arranged with the help of flexbox.It also intelligently resizes images such that portrait images will fit perfectly within the viewport, although that means scaling down the image:
Moreover, it also works with floated images - to the left or to the right, it does not matter. The following texts are jibberish, used as filler.
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